👥Follow & Unfollow
PrimeLister helps you follow and unfollow other users on Poshmark automatically to increase interaction, which leads you to more followers and likes on Poshmark! 🚀
Last updated
PrimeLister helps you follow and unfollow other users on Poshmark automatically to increase interaction, which leads you to more followers and likes on Poshmark! 🚀
Last updated
Using PrimeLister you can automatically follow and unfollow users who are followers or following in your closet or another closet.
1️⃣ You can follow users from the followers page in your closet.
2️⃣ You can follow users from the followers and following pages in another closet.
3️⃣ You can unfollow users from the following page in your closet.
4️⃣ You can unfollow users from the followers and following pages in another closet.
5️⃣ You can follow and unfollow up to 1000 users from followers and following pages of your closet or another closet, in each following/unfollowing task.
1️⃣ Navigate to your Poshmark closet or another Poshmark user's closet on your browser.
2️⃣ Navigate to the Followers or the Following page in the closet you landed on in the previous step.
3️⃣ Open the Drawer Menu in the PrimeLister extension.
4️⃣ Click on the Poshmark Assistant tab from the menu.
5️⃣ Click on the Follow & Unfollow button on the Poshmark Assistant tab.
6️⃣ Click on the Follow people button on the Follow & Unfollow page.
7️⃣ Confirm the following task.
☞ Click on the Yes, continue! button if you want the following task to be executed immediately.
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the following task to be executed later. ℹ️ If you are scheduling a task for later, you will see a date and time picker. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the following task to be executed. ☑ Activate the Every day at this time option in the date and time picker window, if you want the following task to be executed recurrently in accordance with your predefined settings. ☞ Click on the Schedule follow button to complete scheduling the following task.
8️⃣ PrimeLister will open a new tab in your browser automatically to execute instant and scheduled following tasks. Do not close this tab, it will be closed automatically when the task has been completed.
9️⃣ View your following tasks in the Tasks box on the Poshmark Assistant tab of the PrimeLister extension. 👁 You can view your executed instant and scheduled following tasks under the Activity Log tab. The following task is shown: ☞ with the Completed badge if the task has been executed successfully. ☞ with the Missed badge if a scheduled task could not be executed because your extension was not online at the task execution time. ☞ with the Error badge if the task could not be executed due to a technical error. You can click on the Error badge to learn more about the technical issue that occurred and how to resolve it. 👁 You can view your scheduled tasks under the Scheduled tab until the time they will be executed.
1️⃣ Navigate to your Poshmark closet or another Poshmark user's closet on your browser.
2️⃣ Navigate to the Followers or the Following page in the closet you landed on in the previous step.
3️⃣ Open the Drawer Menu in the PrimeLister extension.
4️⃣ Click on the Poshmark Assistant tab from the menu.
5️⃣ Click on the Follow & Unfollow button on the Poshmark Assistant tab.
6️⃣ Click on the Unfollow people button on the Follow & Unfollow page.
7️⃣ Confirm the unfollowing task.
☞ Click on the Yes, continue! button if you want the unfollowing task to be executed immediately.
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the unfollowing task to be executed later. ℹ️ If you are scheduling the task for later, you will see a date and time picker. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the unfollowing task to be executed. ☑ Activate the Every day at this time option in the date and time picker window, if you want the unfollowing task to be executed recurrently in accordance with your predefined settings. ☞ Click on the Schedule unfollow button to complete scheduling the unfollowing task.
8️⃣ PrimeLister will open a new tab in your browser automatically to execute instant and scheduled unfollowing tasks. Do not close this tab, it will be closed automatically when the task has been completed.
9️⃣ View your unfollowing tasks in the Tasks box on the Poshmark Assistant tab of the PrimeLister extension. 👁 You can view your executed instant and scheduled unfollowing tasks under the Activity Log tab. The unfollowing task is shown: ☞ with the Completed badge if the task has been successfully executed. ☞ with the Missed badge if a scheduled task could not be executed because your extension was not online at the task execution time. ☞ with the Error badge if the task could not be executed due to a technical error. You can click on the Error badge to learn more about the technical issue that occurred and how to resolve it. 👁 You can view your scheduled tasks under the Scheduled tab until the time they will be executed.
Learn on various use cases of the follow & unfollow feature of PrimeLister.
How to ❓
Before you create the following task, ➡️ Navigate to your Poshmark closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can follow people that are following you in order to strengthen your relationship with your current audience.
How to ❓
Before you create the unfollowing task, ➡️ Navigate to your Poshmark closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can unfollow people that you are following if you feel that your closet needs to be following fewer people than it is following at the moment.
How to ❓
Before you create the following task, ➡️ Navigate to another closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can follow people that are following another closet to get more followers and likes on Poshmark.
How to ❓
Before you create the following task, ➡️ Navigate to another closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can follow people that are followed by another closet to get more followers and likes on Poshmark.
How to ❓
Before you create the unfollowing task, ➡️ Navigate to another closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can unfollow people that are following another closet if you feel that your closet needs to be following fewer people than it is following at the moment.
How to ❓
Before you create the unfollowing task, ➡️ Navigate to another closet, on your browser.
Tips ✨
You can unfollow people that are followed by another closet if you feel that your closet needs to be following fewer people than it is following at the moment.
How to ❓
Tips ✨
You can follow people instantly if you want the following/unfollowing task to be executed right away.
How to ❓
Tips ✨
You can unfollow people instantly if you want the following/unfollowing task to be executed right away.
How to ❓
When you confirm to create a following task to follow later, you will see a confirmation popup on the page.
Tips ✨
You can schedule a following task if you want to start following at a specific date and time in the future.
How to ❓
When you confirm to create an unfollowing task to unfollow later, you will see a confirmation popup on the page.
Tips ✨
You can schedule an unfollowing task if you want to start unfollowing at a specific date and time in the future.
How to ❓
When you confirm to create a following task to follow recurrently, you will see a confirmation popup on the page.
☞ Click on the Schedule follow button to complete scheduling the recurring following task.
Tips ✨
You can schedule a following task if you want to follow every day at a specific time in the future.
How to ❓
When you confirm to create an unfollowing task to unfollow recurrently, you will see a confirmation popup on the page.
Tips ✨
You can schedule an unfollowing task if you want to unfollow every day at a specific time in the future.
You can follow up to 1000 people per each following task, due to a technical limitation on the Poshmark side.
You can unfollow up to 1000 people per each unfollowing task, due to a technical limitation on the Poshmark side.
You can run only one following or unfollowing task at one time. If you want to start a new following/unfollowing task, you should stop the previous following/unfollowing task.
If you want to stop an ongoing following/unfollowing task, you should close the tab that is opened in your browser by PrimeLister to execute the following/unfollowing task.
➡️ Navigate to the Followers page. Interested in learning other steps of following people that are following you? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
➡️ Navigate to the Following page. Interested in learning other steps of unfollowing people that you are following? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide
➡️ Navigate to the Followers page. Interested in learning other steps of following people that are following another closet? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
➡️ Navigate to the Following page. Interested in learning other steps of following people that are followed by another closet? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
➡️ Navigate to the Followers page. Interested in learning other steps of unfollowing people that are following another closet? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide
➡️ Navigate to the Following page. Interested in learning other steps of unfollowing people that are followed by another closet? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide
When you confirm to create a following task to follow instantly, you will see a confirmation popup on the page. ☞ Click on the Yes, continue! button on the confirmation popup for the following task to be executed immediately. Interested in learning other steps of following instantly? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
When you confirm to create an unfollowing task to unfollow instantly, you will see a confirmation popup on the page. ☞ Click on the Yes, continue! button on the confirmation popup for the unfollowing task to be executed immediately. Interested in learning other steps of unfollowing instantly? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the following task to be executed later. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the following task to be executed.
☞ Click on the Schedule follow button to complete scheduling the following task. Interested in learning other steps of scheduling to follow later? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the unfollowing task to be executed later. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the unfollowing task to be executed.
☞ Click on the Schedule follow button to complete scheduling the unfollowing task. Interested in learning other steps of scheduling to unfollow later? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the following task to be executed recurrently. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the following task to be executed. ☑ Activate the Every day at this time option in the date and time picker window, if you want the following task to be executed recurrently in accordance with your predefined settings.
Interested in learning other steps of scheduling to follow recurrently? Learn all steps here: Follow - Step by Step Guide
☞ Click on the Schedule task button if you want the unfollowing task to be executed recurrently. 🗓 Select the date and time you want the unfollowing task to be executed. ☑ Activate the Every day at this time option in the date and time picker window, if you want the unfollowing task to be executed recurrently in accordance with your predefined settings.
☞ Click on the Schedule follow button to complete scheduling the unfollowing task recurrently. Interested in learning other steps of scheduling to unfollow recurrently? Learn all steps here: Unfollow - Step by Step Guide